Briefing Meeting on the IIME Project
"Global Minimum Essential Requirements"
April 13-14, 2002

Beijing, People's Republic of China


The IIME/CMB Briefing Meeting was held in Palace Hotel in Beijing on April 14th, 2002 and was attended by Presidents or Senior Executives from top 8 Medical Universities. In addition, Professor Huang Jie-fu, the Deputy Minister of Public Health and Dr. Lin Huiquing, Director General at the Ministry of Education were in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to brief the participants on the IIME Project and its implementation in leading Chinese medical universities, as well as to establish final commitment in participation in the IIME Project implementation. The meeting was opened by the President of China Medical Board, Dr. M. Roy Schwarz, with a presentation entitled "Why Are We Here and What Is at Stake?" This wast was followed by a report on "The Phase I of IIME Project" by Dr. Andrzej Wojtczak, IIME Director. The discussion and subsequent presentation by Dr. Wojtczak, "The Road Map for Phase II" clarified various aspects of the project. During the follow up general discussion, the senior representatives of all 8 medical schools expressed the willingness and commitment to participate in the project implementation. In addition, Dr. Lin Huiquing from the Ministry of Education and Deputy Minister of Public Health Professor Huang Jie-fu expressed full support for the IIME Project, and the Presidents of the participating medical schools pledged to do everything to facilitate the successful implementation of the project, which should bring improvement in the quality of medical education in China.

It was agreed to organize the first technical meeting, the "Workshop on Assessment of Global Minimum Essential Requirements" for representatives from eight participating medical schools who will be instrumental in the project implementation, on June 27-29, 2002 in the North Garden Hotel in Beijing.

  Institute for International Medical Education.
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